CodeTools 1.6 is released.

There was not a paclet push for CodeTools 1.6. CodeTools 1.6 is included in the Mathematica 13.1 layout.

Here are the bullet points:


Various curly quote characters are strange

Specify “sequence” -> “UTF-8 sequence” in various places

Specify reason for unsafe character encoding

AdditionalDescriptions for unrecognized long names

Show the parenthesized version of certain replacement characters

Limit fatal errors returned by parser to 10

Recommend ASCII replacements for strange characters

Handle =. uniformly, from both text and boxes

Warn about signs in precision specification of reals

Handle buggy FE syntax of a:b:c:d

linear syntax \! is preserved during abstracting, so ScopingData must also handle it

U+279D Triangle-Headed Rightwards Arrow is strange

Handle SuperscriptBox in DefinitionSymbols

First draft of Concretify

Add new 13.1 FormalScript characters

support new 13.1 syntax "PackedArray"::["Real64"]


Warn about opts_:OptionsPattern[]

Warn about Function[{x,y},x+y]&[1,2]

Warn about "a" <> _

scan for spaces between =.

Add more known languages

Handle buggy FE syntax of a:b:c:d

scan for a:b:c:d

warn about **

input was a_?b:c, give suggestion of Optional[a_?b, c]

scan for patterns that have buggy behavior in the kernel

Add AdditionalDocumentationLinks property for lints and display them in the linter UI

update list of bad symbols (Cloudbase, DataSet, ExpandFilename, UrlExecute, $PathNameSeparator, $RegisteredUsername)

warn when calling Solve with 2nd argument Reals


Fix bugs with displaying implicit 1 and All

Newer symbols like Confirm and Enclose may be prepended with System`

Fix problem with SuspiciousPatternBlankOptional where blank may be a_b

Fix 421966: LinterUI collapses special characters in suggestions

Fix 421987: Menu item Evaluation/Analyze Notebook generates errors on empty notebook


Format WithCleanup


Fix 421585: CodeFormatCST[LeafNode[...]] fails

partial fix for 422410: CodeFormatter has trouble with generated code


use new Concretify function to make instrumented files look better


When cleaning up cached file, make sure to not delete directories
