CodeTools 1.7 is released.

Here are the bullet points:


add suggestions for a->b and a:>b at top-level

API changes

Concrete CallNodes have changed how they contain their children.

The old behavior would create a list around the children nodes.

But there can only ever be a single child in a CallNode.

So the wrapping list was removed.

With this:


The old behavior is:

ContainerNode[String, {CallNode[{LeafNode[Symbol,

     "f", <|Source -> {{1, 1}, {1, 2}}|>]}, {GroupNode[

     GroupSquare, {LeafNode[Token`OpenSquare,

       "[", <|Source -> {{1, 2}, {1, 3}}|>],


       "]", <|Source -> {{1, 3}, {1, 4}}|>]}, <|Source -> {{1, 2}, {1,
          4}}|>]}, <|Source -> {{1, 1}, {1, 4}}|>]}, <|Source -> {{1,
     1}, {1, 4}}|>]

And the new behavior is:

ContainerNode[String, {CallNode[{LeafNode[Symbol,

     "f", <|Source -> {{1, 1}, {1, 2}}|>]},

    GroupSquare, {LeafNode[Token`OpenSquare,

      "[", <|Source -> {{1, 2}, {1, 3}}|>],


      "]", <|Source -> {{1, 3}, {1, 4}}|>]}, <|Source -> {{1, 2}, {1,
        4}}|>], <|Source -> {{1, 1}, {1, 4}}|>]}, <|Source -> {{1,
     1}, {1, 4}}|>]

Internal updates

The major update is using clang’s [[clang::musttail]] annotation to enforce tail call optimization.

This means that CodeParser no longer uses stack when parsing. Recursive calls use the same stack frame.

This means speed and this means no longer possible to hit the system stack limit when parsing.

To use this, build CodeParser with clang and with -DUSE_MUSTTAIL=ON.

This is completely opt-in.

Another recent update is that starting in 13.2 (and able to be turned on in 13.1), a library built by the Compiler for building exprs will be used instead of MathLink.

This also means speed.

Old behavior can be used doing -DTRANSPORT=MathLink.


Scan for abbreviated string patterns (i.e., * and @) in StringMatchQ

Update various places based on changes in CodeParser

scan for Select[e, pat] and Cases[e, predicate]

scan for // on different lines

scan for a := b in Replace and ReplaceAll

13.1 syntax updates

scan for Select[a, b == c]

warn about System` symbols used in Function, Module, and With

scan for implicit Times with &

scan for If[a | b, c, d]

scan for a || b || c | d


Update various places based on changes in CodeParser


Minor updates
