Idonyms are words that are eponyms that you would not necessarily think are eponyms.

I derived the term “idonym” from “idoneous” and I do not mind so much about combining Latin and Greek. I also create other words.

Not to be confused with Aptronym.

Not to be confused with Idionymon.

Not to be confused with Idiom.

I add to this list as I fancy. Contributions are welcome.


Arby’s, they chose the name “Arby’s,” based on R. B., the initials of Raffel Brothers; although often mistaken for Roast Beef.

Aspect’s experiment, named after Alain Aspect.

The Axel jump, a rotating forward jump in figure skating, named after Axel Paulsen.


Baker’s Chocolate is named after Walter Baker & Company.

Bird’s custard, which is eggless, is named after Alfred Bird.

Brain’s reflex is named after Russell Brain

Brownian noise is named after Robert Brown.


Dark Castle Entertainment pays homage to William Castle.

The Child Ballads were anthologized by Francis James Child.

Childs Elementary School was named after Laura G. Childs, a longtime teacher in Bloomington.

Christmas disease is named after the first patient described to have it, Stephen Christmas.

The Corby trouser press was named after it’s inventor Peter Corby, and has nothing to do with town of Corby.

Cotten picking fingerstyle is named after Elizabeth Cotten.

Crush, Texas was named after William George Crush.


The decibel, a measure of loudness, is named after Alexander Graham Bell.

The dumpster* is named after the Dempster brothers.


German chocolate cake is named after American baker Samuel German.

A Good shot in Tiddlywinks is named after John Good.


The Hall effect is named after Edwin Hall.

The Heighway curve is named after John Heighway.

Hotelling rent is named after Harold Hotelling.


Lin recurrence The recurrence is also “lin”ear


Metropolis sampling is named after (Nicholas Metropolis)[], nothing to do with Las Vegas or Monte Carlo.


Outerbridge Crossing is named after Eugenius Harvey Outerbridge.


PageRank algorithm is named after Larry Page.

Perky effect is named after Mary Cheves West Perky.

Plateau’s Problem is named after a physicist named Joseph Plateau, not because the surfaces look like plateaus.

The Poynting Vector, which gives the direction of propagation of electromagnetic waves, after the physicist John Poynting.

Price Club is named after Sol Price and Robert Price.


Quad is named after Harry Quadracci and Elizabeth Quadracci.


The Shell sort algorithm is named after D.L. Shell who invented it.

Shephard’s Prayer is named after Alan Shephard.

Smart & Final is named after J. S. “Jim” Smart and H. D. “Hildane” Final.


The Waltz filtering algorithm is named after David Waltz.

The Waterphone was invented by Richard Waters.

Wordle* was created by Nick Wardle.